2014: 甲午年, The Year of Yellow Horse

2014 : 甲午年, The Year of the Yellow Horse.

i guess many of you have celebrated Winter Solstice (冬至) with your family members or loved ones yesterday and enjoyed together some Tangyuan 湯圓, preferably 5 whites and 1 pink in clear sweet ginger soup.

The Horse will take over from the Snake next year.

While strictly the Yellow Horse starts from 立春 (Feb 4), the Yellow Horse forces will start to exert itself 2 weeks earlier on 大寒 (Big Cold on Jan 20, 2014).

Yellow Horse Year is wetter than average year throughout, with H1 warmer and H2 dryer.

So H1 will be more humid than average year. It will become more 悶熱 earlier in Northern Hemisphere. This type of cosmic forces promote lesser elements like H7N9. So build up your body defence and cut down on red meat and raw stuff

Habitual use of ginger in your diet will be beneficial, for digestion and dispelling of lesser elements from your body system in the year of humidity and warmness.

Have a great Yellow Horse Year to all.


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