Sexual Orientation and Kaleidoscope

Dear Friends,

  • Are you troubled by people with different sexual orientations from yourself ?

In my previous posting “From Nothingness to 有生于无”, we discussed the concept of  无 “Nothingness” and  有 “Somethingness”.

The relevant passages in 《道德经〉 (Dao De Jing) and 《易传。系辞〉 (Yi Zhuan – Xi Ci) respectively are :

  • 道生一,一生二,二生三, 三生万物。
  • 易有太极,是生两仪,两仪生四象,四象生八卦,,,,。

These two statements, from two different classical texts, refer essentially to the same thing, ie, as much as the Universe seems to contain endless expression of forms, much like the kaleidoscope, they all can be traced back to 道 or 易/太极.

The above statement in 易传 is a lot more straight forward. Many have experienced more troubles in deciphering the corresponding statement in 道德经. Lets look at the statement “道生一,一生二,二生三, 三生万物” again.

  • Literally it means “Dao gives rise to 1, 1 to 2, 2 to 3, 3 to all things”.
  • What indeed is this 1, 2, 3 things?

Recall that all things in the realm of “有” (somethingness) is a result of interaction from the Yin and Yang Qi, starting from the very beginning, i.e. 太极 (Taiji).

Mathematically, if X and Y represent Yang and Yin Qi respectively, then :

  • (X + Y)^1 = X+Y                             => 1D, a line, (两仪)
  • (X + Y)^2 = XX+XY+YX+YY       => 2D, a plane (四象)
  • (X + Y)^3 = XXX+XXY+XYX+YXX+YYX+YXY+XYY+YYY => 3D, a sphere (八卦)
  • pls note XY is not equal to YX and so on.

The above crude binary model illustrates that from interaction of Yin(Y) and Yang(X) Qi, we can continue the binary process and lead to further expressions. (The above also shows the advanced level of maths existing in China a few thousand years back).

It is also important to note for all expressions, each contains both Yin and Yang elements.

You may argue what about  XX or YY ? In essence, XX and YY mean macroly they are primarily XX or YY. If we were to dig deeper, it will show a trace of Yang or a trace of Yin within XX or YY.

This X and Y interaction and relationship exists in all expressions, for example

  • An iron man definitely has a soft spot, appearing with the right “phase”,
  • A seemingly soft woman has a tough side, again appearing with the right “phase”,
  • The all winner Goldman Sachs has a weak side, yet to appear,
  • The all loser Citibank has a strong side, ready to appear under the right conditions,

When we understand this interplay of Yin and Yang Qi and their possible outcomes and expressions, then all people will appear normal, normal according to the natural law leading to them.

  • We will appreciate better people who possess different sexual orientations, for instances. There are more than 2 type of sexual orientations, in fact, endless of various shades of pro-XY, to pro-XX, to pro-YY. (of course this does not mean one is agreeing to all possible combination of sexual orientations !)

Combine above principle with things like the “natural 4 seasons”, the outcomes will always seems like a random path. They are random at a glance, but never really random in reality.

Going back to the binary expression, the immediate previous step will always determine the next outcome, which itself forms the basis for the following step and so on.

Chaining all the steps together we get the path. There is no end to the path, for it is evolving all the time.

The next time we look at any expression of event, remind ourselves of the kaleidoscope of Yin and Yang Qi.


Red Underwear & Your Birthday in Anno F.X. ?

Dear Friends,

  • Just before Chinese New Year, a Feng-Shui “master” told his Singaporean TV audience that RED UNDERWEAR is good for you in 2008. Singapore, as ever a competitive society, quickly ran out of red underwear stock citywide. 

In most non-Chinese history books, years are indicated as B.C. or A.D. (Or more recently, to be more politically correct, C.E. “Common Era” is being introduced, though it is essentially A.D. system)

Many people assume that if B.C. is “before Christ”, then A.D. is “after Death”.

A.D. is “Anno Domini”, Latin for “In the Year of the Lord”.

Other than the Gregorian calendar, there are many other calendar systems, some more sophisticated than the Gregorian’s. Chinese calendar is one of  the most advanced.

Chinese calendar works in a basic cycle of 60 years, called 六十花甲. It starts from 甲子, 乙丑, 丙寅,……. to 癸亥.

How this cycle is formed was briefly discussed in posting “Cosmic Forces in 2008”.

  • 六十花甲 is invented by 伏羲 (Fu Xi, one of the earlier Chinese rulers). To be exact, Fu Xi created the calendar in 4,497 B.C.
  • 黄帝 (another ruler in China, often wrongly regarded by modern folks as the beginning of Chinese civilisation) lived  1,800 years after 伏羲, i.e. 2,697 B.C.

During 黄帝’s reign, the 5 heavenly bodies (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn) were alighned in a straight line. He named this hour 甲子年甲子月甲子日甲子时.

  • Now, each 60 years is called 一元甲子. 3 times that is called 三元甲子, i.e. 180 years.
  • Every 三元甲子, the 5 heavenly bodies will realign in a straight line again. Therefore, when 伏羲 created the calendar system, the 5 heavenly bodies would have been visibly aligned as well.
  • This 甲子 system is very flexible, it can cover 60 hour cycle, 60 day cycle, 60 month cycle, 60 year cycle, 600 year cycle, 6,000 year cycle or 6 million year cycle or 6 billion year etc to suit time scale.

This 六十花甲 system is more than a calendar, it is a space-time system describing the cosmic forces (in the past, present and future), of rise and fall of civilisation etc. This element has been briefly touched upon in posting “Personal Cosmic Orientation”.

  •  Based on this 花甲 system, the next 300 years will be the era of China, probably even surpassing its former greatness during the Tang Dynasty.

Language is the essence and soul of a “nation”.

A Nation can lose its land temporarily. The survival of its language and culture will ensure its future come back and continuity.

The loss of a language is the beginning of the demise of a “nation” forever. Maya nation is therefore no more. Andes nation is therefore no more.

Genghis Khan is therefore great not only for his empire, but also his foresight on the importance of written language. He hired a Persian scholar to creat a writing system for Mongolian language.

The New York Chinese Association used 黄帝 (Huang Di) calendar. Therefore A.D. 2008 would be A.H. 4,706 (A.H. stands for Anno Huang Di).

To be true to the origin of Chinese calendar, the Anno FuXi system should be used.

  • So A.D. 2008 would be A.FX. 6,506.

Now, back to the Singaporean red underwear story. If we have understood the whole 六十花甲 system and all the knowledge and wisdom that goes with it, would you go grap one ?

Of course 戊子年 (2008) is Strong Fire Year, represented by red colour. That does not mean we ought to increase the heat intensity in our private part (Of course red underwear do help some people under a particular set of circumstances).

And what’s your birth date in A.FX. ?


Sub-prime and Post-Conditions (後天八卦)

Dear Friends,

Post-Conditions Ba Gua (后天八卦) is more complex and dynamic than Pre-Conditions (先天八卦). This note inevitably is  a very superficial exercise with little in details, if any at all.

To recap, Pre-Conditions (先天八卦) deals with a set of paired pre-Conditions (essentially a balance of Yin and Yang Qi) before the birth of “any event”. It consists of 4 sets of complimentary Gua (卦). 乾卦 and 坤卦 being the most important anchor Gua’s in setting the stage for the birth of the relevant “event”.

In general, it is very difficult to feel Pre-Conditions as these are “pre-event”. Post-Conditions are everywhere, some of the concepts have been discussed in postings such as “Natural 4 seasons” etc. 

  • Pre-Conditions are the foundation and Post-Conditions the functions.   
  • Post-Conditions Ba Gua (後天八卦) deals with the sequence of events that will happen after the birth of an “event”. It is about “the flow”, i.e. the various paths of  life cycle, so to speak.
  • Post-Conditions is a dynamic process, involving the constant interaction of multiple elements in multple dimensions. All events in the Universe (an expression of Post-Conditions itself) therefore undergo constant change. Nothing is static and Change is the only constant.

Lets compared again pre-Conditions (left) and post-Conditions(right) Ba Gua configurations.

Once the job of the 先天八卦 is completed, the anchor 乾坤 gua’s (in South-North axis)  immediately retreat from the main picture (moved to the corner seats). They give the  key top/bottom seats to 離卦”Li Gua” (replacing 乾卦) and 坎卦”Kan Gua” (replacing 坤卦).

  • This is the first implicit wisdom, that upon completion of the foundation, the initial founders (represented by 乾 and 坤)  must be willing to step back and allow more appropriate talents to run the show in the second phase. Many founder companies failed to do so, its founders could not let go and failed to delegate mandates to the second generation of managers to bring it to the next levels. They inevitably fail eventually to progress further.
  • Li Gua and Kan Gua are the only two gua’s that are able to occupy main seats in both the pre- and post-Conditions Ba Gua configurations. This is significant. They represent the key continuity between pre- and Post-Conditions.
  • Li Gua represents Fire and Kun Gua represents Water. Fire 离卦 has “water element” in it, represented by the Yin-Line sandwiched by 2 Yang-Lines. Similarly you find “fire element” in the Water 坤卦. Fire and Water are two essential elements of life. However, Water without ‘fire” in it is dead water and Fire without “water” in it is wild fire.

Post-Conditions is also a space-time concept, it has both directions and time factor. While many internal/external factors will come into the equation once the cycle starts, essentially the Post-Conditions cycle is non-reversible once it started after the completion of pre-Conditions.

  • 震,离,兑,坎 correspond to East/South/West/North and 春分,夏至,秋分,冬至 respectively,
  • 艮,巽,坤,乾 correspond to NE/SE/SW/NW and 立春,立夏,立秋,立冬 respectively,
  • there are 8 gua’s, each with 3 lines, totalling 24 lines which correspond to 24 节气 in a year.

Every event, therefore, is the beginning of the end once it is formed. 

Fear not, therefore, the turbulence in the current financial markets as a result of the sub-prime mortgage loans in the USA.

The “event” has been formed, it is currently undergoing its Post-Conditions Ba Gua, no more, no less (with many interventions from FED, Bush’s rescue package and of course “vultures” waiting for their rich pickings etc).

And it will not, be the last financial tsunami either.



Desert Afforestation : Mr.Toyama Seiei and Master Shao Xing

Dear Friends,

What’s in common between Mr. Toyama Seiei (远山正瑛) and Master Shao Xing (绍兴法师) ?

  • Mr. Toyama planted his first tree at age 83 in a desert in China in 1992 (in a Project called Engebei in Ertos in Inner Mongolia).
  • I visited the desert afforestation project in 2007, it looks like the top right picture, 300,000 mu in area. The top left picture shows what it was 15 years earlier.
  • Mr. Toyama Seiei passed away at age 97 in 2004 and according to his wish, his ashes were spread around Engebei.

Visit for a brief story on Mr. Toyama Seiei.

  • Master Shao Xing was born in 1965 in Inner Mongolia. Touched by Mr. Toyama’s dedication, he set up “Shi Fang Green Project” (十方绿色禅园公益社团), aiming to reclaim 1,000 sq. km of  “green” from the Mongolian desert.
  • A UN study advised him that he needs USD20,000 to reclaim each mu (亩, about 667 sq. m) of green. 
  • Without fanfare and working quietly with fellow aspirants, they have since 2004 reclaimed about 1,000 mu at a cost of about RMB 600 per mu (just under USD 100).
  • He has 999,000 mu more to reclaim.

Only 2 windows of opportunity exist each year, in Spring and Autumn when the weather permits. They stay in the desert for 2-4 weeks for each out-trip to maximise time resource.

Master Shao Xing commented that in 50 years’ time, the whole place might well revert to desert again irrespective of his program’s effort, for Man has to recognise its (and the Earth’s) vulnerability against the forces of nature. That’s more the Karma of the whole society.

In the grand scheme of the entire Universe, he also thinks that his next 30 years’ effort in fighting against the desertation might just be simply, entirely meaningless as far as the Universe is concerned. That said, he plans to build a temple there to attract more public attention for the common cause of the mankind.

In the meantime, Master Shao Xing, a man with great optimism and wisdom, ventures on. Such is the wisdom of a Master.

Visit for a brief idea of Master Shao Xing’s program.

Picture of late Mr. Toyama Seiei :

 Picture of Master Shao Xing’s project in progress:








Fancy planting a tree in the Mongolian Desert with Master Shao Xing ?

He is also a scholar on 红楼梦 (“Dream of the Red Chamber”), graduated from Beijing University. Ever a wonderful person to talk to.


Rhythm of Great Mother Earth (24 节气)

Dear Friends,

It is the beginning of the year so it is probably meaningful to discuss a bit on the natural rhythm of our planet Earth.
From Traditional Chinese Medicine as well as 道, since human being is a very tiny part of the Universe, we invariably have to respond to external environmental change, i.e. “天人合一”.
  • There are 24 节气 (“jie-qi”) in a year, each lasts about 15 days.
    An easy way to remember these 24 节气 :
Check into a traditional Chinese calendar and you will find the exact date for change of each Jie-qi in 2008 (different each year).
  • In human body, the lung-system is the main tuning device to the change of each Jie-qi. Failure by body to cope with the change of the external Jie-qi will result in less optimal health, everything else being equal. It is therefore a good practice to have some deep breathing exercise each morning in the open to better tune-in the body.
  • It is a natural phenomena to see a higher rate of sickness when the weather change is erratic as weaker bodies will fail to cope with the change adequately.
  • We have 12 rib-bones on each side of the chest, making a total of 24, matching the number of Jie-qi in a year. Ever wonder that ?

Change of 节气 marks a more noticeable change in external environment (it should be noted that changes are ocurring on a continual basis). For a Major Qi period change, this will correspond to a bigger change as each Major Qi period consists of 4 节气 (about 60 days).

  • The first Jie-qi of 2008 (立春, Li Chun) started on Feb 4, second Jie-qi (雨水, Yu Shui) started on Feb 19 and third Jie-qi (惊蛰, Jing Zhe) will start on Mar 5. This is the phase of the rise of Yang Qi, energy for growth and activities,
  • We are currently entering the first light raining season of the year with some wind and lightning will strike around Mar 5 to”wake up” all things to start their growth cycle of the year. Pre-Conditions  for a new cycle has been established and we are now in the Post-Conditions of the year. It is the beginning of the end, though each event will walk through its “4 seasons”.

All things in the Universe respond and adjust to changes of external environment. Failure to be in-sync results in disruption of harmony between Yin and Yang qi within the entity concerned, and therefore health/well-being.

Typically therefore, you will notice a more pronounced body responses around Qi period change.

This is particularly visible in health, you see people succumb to sickness, or get better, or get worse around Qi period change, depending on their ability to respond to the change of 节气. It is particularly sensitive for people who with more serious illness.

2008 is Strong Fire Year with Dryness characteristics. It is an exhaustive year, prone to fatigue and sudden outbreak of unknown risk event. It will add more load to our fine-tuner (the lung-system) to be in-sync with cosmic forces.

Stay tuned.


What Modern Women need to know

Dear Friends,

In Asia, there is an increase in incidence rate of women suffering from breast tumours, fibroids etc.  Incidence age group is getting lower as well.

Many believe this increased rate is likely due to hormones/chemicals consumed via food chains. It is also attributed to awareness programs encouraging people to go for more regular check-ups. No doubt these are contributing factors.

From Chinese Medicine perspective, this increased incidence rate is not surprising at all. In fact it will be abnormal if this does not happen in our modern hectic lifestyles.

Pressures from work and peers all increase load on one’s emotional burden. When this load is not being removed or handled appropriately, over time, it will start to exert its negative impact on one’s Liver/Gall Bladder systems (different from Western Medicine systems).

  • Liver-system in the body deals with dispersing the body Qi so that it flows smoothly throughout the body. Liver Qi likes to “stretch out”, hates being “suppressed” and is appropriately called the “General” of the body system. It is most vulnerable if “suppressed” in the Spring season.
  • The Meridian/Channel of the Liver-system runs from second toe, through the inner middle part of the lower limb, up over the groin area, sides of the chest and finally to the top of the head as well as the eyes.
  • Pairing with the Liver-system is the Gall-bladder system. Its Meridian/Channel system runs from the sides of the head, to the sides of the trunk and outer sides of the lower limbs. Gall-Bladder system determines our decisiveness and emotional stability.
  • Liver-system Qi needs to move upwards and Gall-Bladder-system Qi needs to move downwards to maintain health. Emotional depression/pressures disrupt this smooth/balance Qi movement. The consequence is as per symptoms described below.

Daily pressures in modern society, especially in the cities, affects women more than men in their Liver/Gall-Bladder systems. The resultant initial symptoms are headache (on the sides like migrainic headache), dry and tired eyes, distention/discomfort in the chest area (on the sides), menstrual disorders and poor appetite.

Over prolong period, if the external conditions do not improve, it will start to affect organs/tissues along the Liver/Gall-Bladder meridians/channels and the Liver and Gall Bladder themselves. 

This will affect the health of the breasts, ovaries, the blood pressures and of course inflammation/stone formation in the gall-bladder and other problems with the Liver, including finally cancer. It will further affect the appetite, the Kidney and the heart systems as well, so over time it will affect the overall health and well-being.

In the final analysis, if you cannot run away from the work pressures, learn to cope with the pressures better by changing your mind-set with the help from some simple Chinese herbal precriptions (primarily to 疏肝理气).  If this is a tall order, then the only other option is to move yourself away from the pressure cooker environment.

Take care of your Liver and Gall-Bladder systems. They hate to be caged and wanting to be free, especially within the 2×7 to 7×7 phases of your cycle (refer to posting “your growth/reproductive pattern”).


What’s in store for the coming Summer

Dear Friends,

The Winter of 2007 seems very strange to many in North Asia. It was almost warmer than average year until  around 大寒 (Jan 21,2008), then the temperature suddenly dropped like a stone in the following 3 weeks and was colder than normal.

  • This is known as “revenge” of the Winter as it was initially suppressed by the Heat characteristics of the 2nd half year of 2007 (丁亥年).
  • However, as you may recalled, 丁亥年 is of Lesser Wood Year, it is not strong enough to push the heat all the way through to the following year, resulting in the “revenge” of the Winter towards the end of Winter season.

2008 (戊子年) is Strong Fire Year. In reaction to the “revenge” of the late Winter, there is a very strong likelihood that we are going to witness a “revenge” of the Summer Heat. It may also well be the Mother-of-all-Summer Heat in as many years. 

A fiery Summer is just as damaging as the recent cold snap hitting North Asia, perhaps it might be even worse. How they are going to cope in Summer Olympics is anybody’s guess. But as they have demonstrated in the recent cold snap, it will be overcome, probably with just more resources.

It will be like a long journey through the “desert” for us all in 2008.

Be prepared.



Character of Spring

Dear Friends,

For those living in North Asia, it has definitely been a dramatic late Winter and a “cold” start to the Spring season.

Now, what is the optimal Character  of the Spring season that foster our general well-being ?

Before answering this question, lets look at the fundamentals of Spring season :

  1. it begins the cycle of  new growth (生) and passing of the old (i.e. it is the first phase of the natural 4 seasons, pls refer to posting on “4 seasons”),
  2. all things “spring” to life, the universe is full of hope,
  3. sleep late and get up early, with light outdoor exercises in the morning,
  4. let the aspiration grow without hinders,
  5. let all things grow without killing,
  6. encouragement, generosity instead of punishment and selfish accumulation.

Above are 6 main pointers of  favourable Character/behaviours in the Spring season. This is the Dao (道) of the Spring season to promote our general well-being.

  • To observe the Dao of the Spring season is therefore about 养生.  Many Chinese literatures refer to 养生 as equivalent to observing good practices towards general well-being. Actually it is a short-form way of describing a much broader good practices.
  • To be exact, Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter corresponds to Growth (), Maturity(), Retreat () and Recharge (), each representing the Character of the corresponding season or their 道. To upheld general well-being throughout the year therefore requires observing good practices to suit the Character of each season inorder to 养生, 养长,  养收, 养藏. It would therefore inappropriate to 养生 in Autumn or Winter.

Going against the Spring Qi (春气) character/behaviours in the Spring season, the Liver-system will suffer, followed by a lesser well-being and maturity in the coming Summer (symptoms such as slower growth, loss of appetite/GI tract disorders, doubt and indecisiveness, depression etc)

So what do we have in this early Spring ?

It is still too early to tell yet given 立春 (li chun, beginning of Spring) just started on Feb 4. But the early signs are not too favourable.

Many people are being punished by the cold snap in North Asia, in particular in China. Many lives (all forms) have been killed and “energy” taken away.

As discussed in earlier postings, 2007 was exhaustive and with the body not able to recharged well in the Winter. Depletion of energy in the early Spring add loads to the body and further lowering its energy level to meet coming challenges of the Strong Fire/Dry 2008.

So continue to guard against over-spending your reserve energy over the next 6 months.

Take great care, it will continue to be somewhat “windy” and “cold” in the first Major Qi period (until Mar 21).

* I will address the Summer Qi, Autumn Qi and Winter Qi in future postings.


Beat the cold and ready for Spring

Dear Friends,

The cold snap in North-Asia has taken many by surprises.

To better prepare the body for the coming Spring, please find below a simple recipe for your kind reference.

1. mutton  : 1 lb (clear fat and bones, chop into pieces),

2. 当归      : 18g,

3. 红枣      :  10 pieces (slice open before cooking)   

4.  Raw Ginger : 5 slices (chop into smaller pieces).

5. Salt       : appropriate amount to suit taste

Cook above with 6 bowls of water, simmer for 60-90 minutes.

Take this with dinner, once or twice a week. You will feel great in the cold night.

Have a Great Start for 2008.



Wishing You a Happy Chinese New Year (戊子年)

Dear Friends,

Wishing you all and your families a Happy and Prosperous 戊子年 (Wu zi year)